For a while there, I thought this post would never come. The pinafores came and went - to friends, or to the wadder bag, or to the back of the wardrobe waiting forLaura to grow a few inches. But here it is at last - a self-drafted pinafore that fits Laura right now. And it's very cute! It combines my favourite pinafore features - back-buttoning with different coloured buttons, round yoke, pleats at the front. Which is, I guess, the whole point of drafting it myself.

There should be a 'modelled' pic but Laura cut her finger not 10 minutes after putting on the dress, and bled copiously all over it.
And since I'm on a drafting upturn, I attempted a rugby shirt for James, with a polo-placket and collar stand. It was moderately successful.

I suspect the fabric choices were all wrong - Killington for the placket and collar (too stiff & heavy) and bamboo fleece for the body (too drapey and fluid). Even so, it came out nice. I was amazed by how easy a polo placket is - you just sew a square of fabric onto the right side of where you want the placket to be, slash the opening, turn the fabric square through the opening to the wrong side, do some folding so that the fabric square looks like a polo placket and top-stitch.

Which is probably not hugely helpful. I found a couple of useful sites:
this one in particular is very detailed and lucid.
One tip: If you are attaching a woven collar and placket to a knit body, make sure the placket is good and deep to make up for the loss of stretch in the neckline. Go on - ask me how I know...
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